Pazartesi, Şubat 17, 2025

Letter To My Best Friend | A letter to my best friend


Having a close friend is undoubtedly a tremendous fortune that doesn’t happen at everyone. We can easily share all the emotions as sadness, happiness, or any moment with them. That way our emotions increase or decrease. It’s a way to feel ourselves more peaceful and tranquil it thanks to them. It’s a kind of therapy likewise.
Nowadays people doing this with instantaneous messages through chatting applications. But if we’ve to consider the past people would do this with a letter. Although it seems that writing a letter lose its significance it’s a quite substantial value coming from the past.

A letter to my best friend’ is an enormous way to indicate the deep feelings between friends.

‘’ A peerless friend ‘’

‘’ Dear ……. ,
I’m really happy to have met someone like you. You’re great and I’ll feel really happy if you have by my side till the forever. I would not have understood the real meaning of friendship if you have not existed. And that’s why i love you from the depths of my heart. I’m proud of you that I don’t think I need anyone else as my friend it thanks to you, because you’re one in a thousand to have.
I’m really sorry that I can’t tell you how much you mean to me by just using words, because it’s beyond the words! All I know is that you’ve changed me a in a good way since you came to my life.
You’ve been the best friend I’ve ever met and trusted. And I’m sure everyone of your friend shares the same feelings as me.

I would like to take the advantage of this opportunity to correct my mistakes with love and care! You’ve been there always for me when I needed you most! I’m grateful to you for everything you have done for me, including saving my life a lot of times! Always remember that I love you so much!

Sincerely! ‘’

…………………………… * (writer of the letter)

‘’ A Friend Of You Who Will Love You Forever ‘’

‘’ Dear ……

It’s a kind of peerless feeling and I’m really thrilled to write you. I’m so sorry for all that I could not able to do everything you deserve. Although you’ve always shown love and care to me, you have not gotten a response backed for everything you’ve done for me.
If there’s a way to show you how much I’m happy I would use this to make you understand there’s a wonderful person who make my life peerless!

I’m always ready to love you till the forever because you deserve this!

I always miss your jokes, laughs, your nonsenses and your funny nature. You’ve been the reason of my smiles and you’ve not been here right now. And I wonder if these smiles will continue to be on my face.
You’ll always be on my mind and I’ll never forget you because you’re the best friend I’ve ever met. I believe in you so much and I know you’ll never disappoint me.

Best regards! ‘’

…………………………… * (writer of the letter)

‘’ Someone Excited To Have a Friend Like You! ‘’

‘’ Dear ……

You should have seen the excitement on my face when I was writing this letter to you. I miss everything about you, especially those moments when we laughed to silly things together for hours!
People ask me about you, and I tell them that you will be back soon.

I love the fact that you’ve been my friend for a long time, and I feel lucky myself that you have a place apart from the other friends I’ve ever met.

Recently I’ve recognized that I was bothering you; I’m sorry to that I was not aware of what’s bothering you. I promise you I will try not to hurt you again!

Never forget that I love you more than you could imagine. You’re the best friend among my friends.Sincerely! ‘’

‘’ Message to my best friend: You’ll Always Be In My Heart ‘’

‘’ Dear ……

It has left a trace in my heart that thinking never forget someone like you. You’re in my heart right now and always. A lot of times I came to you with my nuisances and troubles, and you never ignored me.
Moreover, you solved all my problems one by one. I could not love you more if you were my brother. Luckily, we were born into different families and found each other, and you’ve become my best friend as well as my brother.
Every moment and every second you brighten my life with your endless energy and smile. And you tirelessly remind me how lucky I’m to have you as my best friend.

Your friend who loves you so much! ‘’

‘’ Loving You Is a Privilege ‘’

‘’ To my best friend,

I can’t never say that it’s enough to love someone like you because you must be loved by everyone around you. When I first met with you, I did not know you were a such a good one.
But now I am sure that you have an exalted heart than any people i know.

I remember the day we met. The way you look at me with a sweet smile on your face and peerless speech between us sounds like yesterday! . I’m proud of you and I know that I will not destitute of the smile on my face if you’ll be my side. I wish you’ll be with always me, because it gives me pleasure to have you by my side and and your presence gives me peace.

Your Sweetie Friend ‘’

‘’ You Mean The World To Me ‘’

‘’ Dear My Best Friend,

I wish you knew how important you are to me. You mean to me a lot of meaning and i can’t change you for anything because you are the best friend I have ever had.
I love the way you make me happy and that happiness makes me look younger and stronger each day. I want to use this opportunity by telling you that you’re the most important person in my life and never want to lose!

Who could fill your place, who could laugh and cry with me for hours if you have not existed? I love you so much and I’m so glad to have you by side!

Best Wishes! ‘’

Having a close friend in your life is a great chance that not everyone has. Letters to Friend are forms we use to better express how we feel about our close friends and allow us to inform them of that person’s presence in our lives.

Dear Best,

Thank you for entering my life. I strongly believe in having “a person,” and there is no better person to fit that description than you. For the last two years of my life, I have been through so many different stages, like graduating, falling out with friends, a new school, and through all of the good and bad times, you have been with me. I couldn’t thank you enough for that. To me, it is so important for your friends to be proud of you when you get a new job, learn something new, or just accomplish big things. But it’s also really important for your friends to just be proud that you got out of bed that day, so today, January 7, I am so proud of you for waking up and just having a day!

I want you to know, I don’t need a large group of friends when I have one that constantly reminds me all of the time that they are there for me in every way possible. I thought my whole life that I knew what a best friend was, but I was wrong. You’ve given those words a whole different meaning. Nobody could ever compare to you. I used to think a best friend was sleep overs, reckless activities, and spending every day together. I was wrong. A best friend is not seeing them all the time and still being so close it blows your mind, or getting so excited to see the other one when it might have only been a day that you’ve been apart, being able to call them at any time of day because you need them, feeling like you always have someone in your corner. Or just you, you are a best friend. Having you as my best has made every individual day better. And I hope to never lose that.

If for any reason, we ever fight about something, and I mean really fight about something, I will always want to fix it. I hope you stay around for a long time, because I want you in my life forever. You have made my life so much better since you entered it and the memories that we have made together are one in a million. With that being said, I hope you know how much I appreciate you, how much I appreciate everything that you do for me. And I hope that you know I would do anything for you, without even hesitating because you’re my best friend.

Friends come and go, and relationships with people change over the years and that is okay. If there is ever a time that it seems like we’re fading or something is changing, know that I hold the relationship that we once had so close to my heart and I will always look back on the memories. While life takes us through our own path, I hope you know that regardless of where we end up, I will always be there for you. Maybe not physically, but emotionally, I will always be there for you.

Thank you for sticking by me, getting to know my life, showing me the most sincere support and unconditional love. I couldn’t thank you enough for the countless amount of times that you have stuck by me when I needed you. I have no idea what I’d do without you sometimes… or all of the time. And I am so happy that I don’t ever have to find out. I love you!


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